Free lunches for kids and teenagers in London at Spotlight this Summer Holiday


Free lunches for kids and teenagers in London at Spotlight this Summer Holiday

Free lunches for young people in London this Summer Holiday.

Young people aged 11 – 19 years old (up to 25 SEND) get a free lunch from us Monday to Friday this Summer. Come down to the Spotlight Café at 30 Hay Currie St, London E14 6GN.  For free lunches served up fresh every day from our kitchen. 

We will also be offering food parcels (donated by the Felix project) which can be given out to families, parents and young people to take home.

Lunch club is running from the 25th July to the 26th August, Come down between 12 – 1pm, chill in the Café with lunch, great tunes and youth activities to get stuck in to in the afternoon. See what’s on: 

Lunch club at Spotlight is provided by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.