Black History Month meet Artist in Residence: Courtney Brown
Tower Hamlets! We’re buzzing to introduce our Artist in Residence for Black History Month: Courtney Brown, AKA @heavy_cloudd.
Courtney Brown is set to lead an incredible project with you at Spotlight between the 23rd and 27th of October half term. All around the national Black History Month theme, “Celebrating our Sisters.” We’ve got sweet £500 collective budget, and we want you, to lead this with Courtney’s expert help!
Courtney Brown / Heavy Cloud, is a UK-based visual artist inspired by Afro-Futurism. Their work consists of both digital and analogue mediums. Focused on illustration, digital collages and visual storytelling, their work is eclectic in style. Heavy Cloud is a mainly self taught artist. Experience in specific fields include: Audio, Art, Product Design, Graphic Design and Animation.
The Black History Month project:
Do you have an inspiration, a strong female figure or want to know more about women from the Diaspora? Our Black History Month project is for you! Over the week you will work as a group to create a final piece and a celebration event to be held at Spotlight, this could be music, art, theatre, spoken word –you chose! You can take your pick – music, visual art, theatre, spoken word…
Our Black History Month project is in partnership with Tower Hamlets Council.